This area features an overview of some of our engineers' experience. Additional links on this page provide additional detail on our extensive Mars experience and non space related experience.
Deployment of RCA Satcom K-2
communications satellite during Space
Shuttle mission STS 61-B
Rocketstar Robotics のエンジニア達は、20年前から人工衛星任務のラインナップのためのアクチュエーターとメカニズムのデザインについて役立っています。 Some highlights include release and deployment mechanisms for:
- Satcom K1-K4
- Geostar
- Radarsat 1
- Radarsat 2
- Telstar 4
- Advanced Communications Technology Satellite
- Landsat
Rocketstar Robotics' engineers were also instrumental in the design of antenna pointing mechanisms for:
- Intelsat
- Immarsat
- Orbview 3
- Orbview 4
- A2100
- A2100M
- Sirius Satellite Radio
- Advanced EHF
- Koreasat
Our engineer's solar array drive experience includes:
- Orbcomm
- Satcom K1-K4
- Direct Broadcast Satellite
Manned Missions
The International Space Station
Our experience with manned missions includes actuators and mechanisms design for the International Space Station and nearly every payload actuator for the largest deployable structure ever flown in space on the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission. Our engineers are familiar with the special requirements imposed by manned missions.
Mars Exploration Rover featuring dozen's of
mechanisms designed be engineers currently
Rocketstar Robotics (more)
Our engineers’ experience with designing actuators, gearboxes and deployment mechanisms for Mars Missions is unparalleled with over 50 mechanisms alone on the Mars Exploration Rover program including; actuators for azimuth, deployment, elevation, and camera pointing mechanisms for the Pancam mast assembly as well as transmissions for the wheels, steering, suspension, wheel deployment, solar array deployment, antenna pointing, airbag retraction and sampling systems. In addition to MER, they have also been responsible for the design of mission critical mechanisms for Mars Observer, Mars Pathfinder, and Mars Volatiles and Climate Surveyor. Click here for more about our engineers' Mars experience.
And Beyond
Genesis Solar Sampling Mission
Our experience does not just stop there. Rocketstar Robotics’ engineers have also contributed to deep space missions such as scan mirror components for Stardust and the main sampling system mechanism for Genesis.
Our engineers have also been entrusted with the design of many 'mission critical' non space related mechanisms and actuators as well. Click here to learn more.
Clearly our engineers’ have our customers’ trust when it comes to mission critical mechanisms.