
Our engineers’ experience with designing actuators, gearboxes and deployment mechanisms for Mars Missions is unparalleled going back nearly two decades, encompassing four programs with over 50 mechanisms alone on the Mars Exploration Rover program.

Mars Exploration Rovers

MER Rover with Rocketstar Engineers' Contributions
Rocketstar Robotics' engineers' contributions to MER:

1. Camera Pointing Mechanism Transmission
2. Camera Pointing Mechanism Transmission
3. IDD Azimuth (Robot Arm Shoulder) Planetary
4. IDD Elevation (Robot Arm Shoulder) Planetary
5. Antenna Gimbal Planetary
6. Antenna Gimbal Planetary
7. Solar Array Deployment Planetary
8. Rocker Deployment Planetary
9. Rover Suspension Differential
10. Wheel Steering Planetary
11. Wheel Driving Planetary
12. Wheel Driving Planetary
13. Wheel Driving Planetary
14. Wheel Steering Planetary
15. Wheel Driving Planetary
16. Wheel Steering Planetary
17. Wheel Driving Planetary
18. Wheel Driving Planetary
19. Wheel Steering Planetary
20. Rock Abrasion Tool Planetary
21. IDD Turret (Robot Arm Manipulator) Planetary
22. Rover Suspension Planetary
23. IDD (Robot Arm) Elbow Planetary
24. Pancam Mast Deployment Transmission
25. Pancam Azimuth Transmission
26. Pancam Azimuth Twist Capsule
27. Pancam Elevation Transmission

The Mars Exploration Rover program was the most ambitious mission ever undertaken to explore another planet. Two rovers, Spirit and Opportunity, were sent to Mars to increase the probability of a successful program. Engineers currently at Rocketstar Robotics are proud to have made a major contribution to the MER program with engineering design responsibility for over 50 MER mechanisms. Some of the mechanisms include nearly every planetary gearbox used on the rovers as well as many of the mechanisms used for articulation of the Pancam mast and cameras as well as a 130 circuit twist capsule at the base of the Pancam with over 360 degrees of rotation. The gearboxes and components supplied for MER have performed admirably allowing Spirit and Opportunity to last over 9 times their planned lifetimes. The planetary gearboxes supplied for the rover wheels have seen over 13 million input revolutions without a gearbox failure.


MVACS with Rocketstar Engineers' Contributions
Rocketstar Robotics' engineers' contributions to MVACS:

1. Azimuth Camera Pointing Actuator
2. Elevation Camera Pointing Actuator
3. Robotic Arm Azimuth Motor
4. Robotic Arm Elevation Motor
5. Robotic Arm Elbow Motor
6. Robotic Arm Manipulator Motors

Following on the success of the Mars Pathfinder program JPL once again requested our engineers be instrumental in the mechanical design of the several of the actuators for the Mars Volatiles and Climate Surveyor (MVACS) program. Engineers currently at Rocketstar Robotics were responsible for the mechanical design of the camera pointing actuators as well as the motors used to operate each axis of the robotic arm. The camera pointing actuators were of a similar design configuration to those used on Pathfinder but the robot arm motors were a new brush motor configuration designed specifically for the low pressure CO2 environment. Unfortunately the vehicle was lost during the landing sequence.

Mars Pathfinder

Pathfinder with Rocketstar Engineers' Contributions
Rocketstar Robotics' engineers' contributions to the
Mars Pathfinder Mission:

1. Azimuth Camera Pointing Actuator
2. Elevation Camera Pointing Actuator
3. Airbag Retraction Actuator Planetary Gearbox
4. Airbag Retraction Actuator Planetary Gearbox
5. Airbag Retraction Actuator Planetary Gearbox
6. Airbag Retraction Actuator Planetary Gearbox
7. Airbag Retraction Actuator Planetary Gearbox
8. Airbag Retraction Actuator Planetary Gearbox

Mars Pathfinder was the first opportunity for engineers currently at Rocketstar Robotics to have design responsibility for components on a Mars lander. Our engineering talent was responsible for the mechanical design of the five stage planetary gearboxes in the airbag retraction actuators which retracted the airbags used to cushion the impact of the landing. They were also responsible for the mechanical design of the camera pointing actuators which featured permanent magnet stepper motors and three stage planetary gearboxes.

Mars Observer

Mars Observer with Rocketstar Engineers' Contributions
Rocketstar Robotics' engineers' contributions to the
Mars Observer Mission:

1. Six Span Latching Deployment Hinge
2. Six Span Latching Deployment Hinge
3. Four Span Latching Deployment Hinge
4. Four Span Latching Deployment Hinge
5. Interpanel Latching Deployment Hinge
6. Interpanel Latching Deployment Hinge
7. Interpanel Latching Deployment Hinge
8. Interpanel Latching Deployment Hinge
9. 90 Degree Latching Boom Deployment Hinge
10. 180 Degree Latching Boom Deployment Hinge
11. Shear Tie Launch Restraints and Releases (8)
12. Interpanel Latching Deployment Hinge
13. Interpanel Latching Deployment Hinge

Rocketstar Robotics engineering talent had its first exposure to Mars mission work between 1987 and 1990 with the Mars Observer program. Mars Observer was designed to study Mars from orbit. Engineers currently at Rocketstar Robotics were responsible for the design of the solar panel deployment system for the Mars Observer spacecraft. The system provided a multiaxis passive deployment that was commanded in two phases. The first phase of deployment occurred during the transit to Mars and the second phase occurred after Mars orbit insertion. Each hinge axis featured latching features that eliminated hinge play passively. The system also included the design of eight shear tie stacks that restrained the system at launch and their associated release mechanisms. Unfortunately the vehicle was lost due to failures unrelated to the mechanisms.